
Showing posts from February, 2025

When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth (1970)

Reviews of Films Nobody Is Going To Watch #1: Sanna live in tribe. Tribe live on cliff. Sanna jump off cliff. Sanna swim to beach. Sanna meet beach people. Sanna meet Tara. Tara all man. Sanna love Tara. Tara love Sanna. Ayak love Tara. Ayak hate Sanna. Ayak make Sanna run away. Sanna get lost! Tara try to find Sanna. Tara no find Sanna. Tara sad. Sanna meet dinosaur. Sanna love dinosaur. Dinosaur love Sanna. (“Dinosaur love Sanna?!”) Dinosaur love Sanna. I was perhaps forgivably startled by a reference to the involvement of JG Ballard in the making of a Hammer Studios film with the above plot. Of course, this involvement turned out to be only a formality after the producers took a meeting with him and he wrote a treatment they didn’t use. So I steadied myself, only to soon feel unmoored again as I decided at some point in its runtime that When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth was quite good, in some deftly turned sense of the word good.   The plot is obviously good, cavegirls and b...